Friday 25 January 2013

Groping around to feel people...

Hmmmm... Groping, is that the right word to choose ( dictionary definition: 1. moving or going about clumsily or hesitantly; stumbling.) Hey I think I used It correctly. Firstly, I would just like to say that I'm not in any way a pervert or weird for touching or feeling people and groping at them. Really I don't like it, I mean like a small pat on the shoulder is fine but I'm not the kind of person who will just go around and touch people at random, ugh!
Well, it was more because of the fact that yesterday was crossroads which is like charity which has gt a few experiences to put you in the shoes of people who are living in poverty. It was soooo fun!!! We did the blind Xperience and I really saw the light(get the pun?) of how blind people around the world live. Puns aside, it's actually quite sad. Our guide was also blind but he seemed quite capable, he knew where we were when we called for him when the rest of us were all in a state of confusion and panic. A life without color? I don't know if I could ever ale that... The optimism and the love of life that the guide possessed just blew me away.
OK, firstly, I would like to apologize who I might have accidentally touched(grappled if you want to be precise) during the course, especially Kenneth... Yeah, the touching of your cheeks And face was ummm not intentional. I was really just trying to see(feel) who you were. Oh and thank you to Chloe and Ernestine who decided to spend the time poking me with their sticks( yes Chloe, I knew whenit was you...maybe my senses are quite strong...) resulting in me yipping ad screaming and jumping around. What made it worse was the fact that I couldn't see where I was jumping so I was really scared that I would trip over something and fall. I know no one would see me but my scream would probably make it very embarrassing . At first I was very scared( I'm afraid if the dark.) but after a while, my other senses took over and I kind of imagined the place in my mind. There were so many times when I even thought that there was some kind of leaves in front of me and when I want to strike them away I would just feel air or hit someone's hand( sorry hand)
Next we went to the AIDS experience which was also quite scary. I saw slenderman in camouflage! We were listening to this tape while walking through a few rooms which suited the things said on the tape. I was very scared because I had absolutely no idea what to expect in the next room... In the end I finally got the results for my characters HIV test, he was negative, yep just like me. But it was sad...
I shouldn't even start about the bus ride back and the way a few people messed up my phone...

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Arranged Marriage

Okay, first of all, Kenneth, Tilly and Shu Shu, I didn't had an arranged marriage on Sunday, contrary to what you think! Just because I'm Indian doesn't mean I follow the stereotypes (except that I LOVEEEEE to eat Indian curry), however i am rather impressed that you knew that this was the perfect age for such a marriage, im glad you know so much about my AMAZINGGGGG culture. The Brahmins bow to you in amazement! Rather not say what I did here but I just wanted to clear that up.
So yesterday we had Chinese and we were asked to write a 作文about traditional Games. Of course the minute I put pen to paper Yat Lai came up to me with a link for "traditional Indian games" and then she skyped me all of them. In short I was clueless and had to spend the rest of the day with my head bowed down on shame having not know about my own proud country. I still have to check out what they are but if anyone knows what "third an police" is, please leave a comment, you will be doing a great service to a very good cause( *cough. Me)
The yesterday we all
Found out the true fun that is hidden within styrofoam, so guys, thanks for making it snow on my desk!( excuse me while I go sing let it snow...) well, idk who cleaned it up in the end but thank you! I really grateful I don't know how I would have done that myself.
Okay, bye!

Friday 11 January 2013


I hate my calculator! So we had our maths common test yesterday and it was a total disaster!I know, I know, I usually say that about all my test but this can probably be considered the worst. My calculator decided to screw up on the day, yeah, I really don't know why it hates me so much, what did I ever do to it??? Well, i already know I got one question wrong for that, and I know it's just one mark, but that like an F in my terms(outcasted, molecular, chindian terms). I'm a nerd.
Well, then today we had our Chinese common test, it was a little easier than the Maths test but I think I've still managed to screw up some of the quetions so I'm kind of waving goodbye to a good mark for both Maths and Chinese...
I've had a horrible cough the past few days, it's terrible, I'm sure everyone in class is tired of hearing my incessent cough throughout the tests today, I'm like a broken recorder, just coughing ver and over again, sorry guys for like coughing up my germ laden air into the air...
Well, I've started reading my newest book which my mother kindly brought back from India: Around India in 80 trains( You kind of have to say the title in an Indian accent so as to be able to get the right feel) So far it's great! I love it, it's hilarious and every time I see a statement i just want to shout: OMG that is sooooo true!!! Its actully helped me understand India a little more( I've never actually visited my half "家乡”, so it's really quite interesting to see that everything my mum has told me about India is true! I shiver just thinking about it.
Well, that's about all I have time for, bye!

Sunday 6 January 2013


Ok, i know I haven't blogged in a while but I realy haven't had much time. I spent the rest of the X'mas holidays at a competition in Guangzhou, and then spent new year's eve with my family for the new year count down. Then, for hte first time, I played Texas hold 'em poker, it's quite fun, though without money, I'm wayyyyy too stingy to ever give up my precious money. New year's day was just a lunch at the club then we went back home because my brother had to revise for his examns.
Well, Wednesday was back at school and same as usual. There was really nothing else "interesting" about the next few days.
My life is really boring, even my weekends are just me lying at home with a stupid cold that I can't seem to shake off, I feel terrible, y nose is all clogged up and my voice sounds so edgy and squeaky like Alvin and the Chipmunks. Now my nostrils are like a volcano spewing "lava" out by the second. Ok, maybe tmi there.
So, I recently checked fb while procrastinating(I just scroll through my news feed) and I was surprised to see that so many of my pictures were liked, why the sudden interest in my photos. Then I realised that they were all from Clarence and Chloe. Geez, thanks guys for stalking the outcaste. Interesting life I have outside of the caste system right?
OK gtg bye!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

X'mas holidays at last!!!

So... X'mas holidays have finally come and honestly, I'm bored to tears!!! I spend my entire day procrastinating and sitting in my room and watching videos all day, , I know, my life is sad(feel free to disagree...) I never thought that I would say this, but I want school back!!! At least there was something to do.
On Friday, we had a Christmas celebration at school and I was the emcee, it was sooooo hectic I didn't know what to do! The performances were ok-ish but nothing spectacular, well except for Mr Moore's performance of Fireflies. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD!!! I WAS FANGIRLING THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE THING!!!( I think I'm going to faint just thinking about it) Then there was nothing else really, except that Mdm Mak is leaving which is a big whoop for all of us! (No more horrible speeches and nagging about random stuff which no one really cares about). Then I went to starbucks before going home. I spent like the next few hours procrastinating before going for my tennis lessons and then for dinner with my mum and another Indian family. What's great was that they were Brahmins and they bought the outcastes food!!! Yay!! No more leftovers for us, it was wonderful then I went home to go to sleep like I normally do... 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Jessica-4 months

So... well, today was a rather boring day, however, it is the 4 Month Anniversary since Jessica and I... you know... I still miss her and think about her every day... She won't answer my texts and I can't skype her, it's as if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore... *sigh
So now I wrote a list of things I miss about her... (I know, my life is extremely sad and you probably have better things to do that soend time reading how I lament over Jessica)
1. Her smile-she used to have the greatest smile...
2. Doing plays with her- Sigh, that play during the school talent show was just sooooo fun
3. Her voice-I would give anything to hear her speak again
Well, that's Jessica to me, now if you will excuse me, I will go and cry into a pillow...