Friday 25 January 2013

Groping around to feel people...

Hmmmm... Groping, is that the right word to choose ( dictionary definition: 1. moving or going about clumsily or hesitantly; stumbling.) Hey I think I used It correctly. Firstly, I would just like to say that I'm not in any way a pervert or weird for touching or feeling people and groping at them. Really I don't like it, I mean like a small pat on the shoulder is fine but I'm not the kind of person who will just go around and touch people at random, ugh!
Well, it was more because of the fact that yesterday was crossroads which is like charity which has gt a few experiences to put you in the shoes of people who are living in poverty. It was soooo fun!!! We did the blind Xperience and I really saw the light(get the pun?) of how blind people around the world live. Puns aside, it's actually quite sad. Our guide was also blind but he seemed quite capable, he knew where we were when we called for him when the rest of us were all in a state of confusion and panic. A life without color? I don't know if I could ever ale that... The optimism and the love of life that the guide possessed just blew me away.
OK, firstly, I would like to apologize who I might have accidentally touched(grappled if you want to be precise) during the course, especially Kenneth... Yeah, the touching of your cheeks And face was ummm not intentional. I was really just trying to see(feel) who you were. Oh and thank you to Chloe and Ernestine who decided to spend the time poking me with their sticks( yes Chloe, I knew whenit was you...maybe my senses are quite strong...) resulting in me yipping ad screaming and jumping around. What made it worse was the fact that I couldn't see where I was jumping so I was really scared that I would trip over something and fall. I know no one would see me but my scream would probably make it very embarrassing . At first I was very scared( I'm afraid if the dark.) but after a while, my other senses took over and I kind of imagined the place in my mind. There were so many times when I even thought that there was some kind of leaves in front of me and when I want to strike them away I would just feel air or hit someone's hand( sorry hand)
Next we went to the AIDS experience which was also quite scary. I saw slenderman in camouflage! We were listening to this tape while walking through a few rooms which suited the things said on the tape. I was very scared because I had absolutely no idea what to expect in the next room... In the end I finally got the results for my characters HIV test, he was negative, yep just like me. But it was sad...
I shouldn't even start about the bus ride back and the way a few people messed up my phone...

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