Wednesday 12 December 2012

Jessica-4 months

So... well, today was a rather boring day, however, it is the 4 Month Anniversary since Jessica and I... you know... I still miss her and think about her every day... She won't answer my texts and I can't skype her, it's as if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore... *sigh
So now I wrote a list of things I miss about her... (I know, my life is extremely sad and you probably have better things to do that soend time reading how I lament over Jessica)
1. Her smile-she used to have the greatest smile...
2. Doing plays with her- Sigh, that play during the school talent show was just sooooo fun
3. Her voice-I would give anything to hear her speak again
Well, that's Jessica to me, now if you will excuse me, I will go and cry into a pillow...

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